Sunday, March 4, 2012


I'm going to put up a bunch of my drawings and when I drew them. Kitty comics will be in a separate blog after I finish this one.
This is a picture of my shoe. I drew it about a month ago.
This one I drew at the same time as the shoe. I tried to shade it well. I like shading/ adding shadows.
I finished drawing and coloring this one about a week ago.
I drew this one in either May or June. I can't remember too well, but I know it was at the end of last school year.
I can't really remember when I drew this. I think it was in 6th grade, so around 2 years ago.
I drew this around the same time as the one above it. I wasn't good at drawing hands, so yeah... I'm a little better now, but I still suck XD
I drew this in the middle of sixth grade. I don't like how I drew the umbrella, but I don't think I could do much better now. This picture isn't finished yet, I want to complete the rainbow at some point, but I've never gotten around to it.
So those were some of my picture! What do you think? impressed :) I wouldn't be if I were you, except I like the picture I finished most recently. Anyways, tell me what you think if you want. If not, whatever. I can't make you.