Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I've noticed that my general mood reflects what I listen to. If I'm happy, I listen to The Strokes more and if I'm starting to get depressed, I'll listen to mostly Interpol and Franz Ferdinand. If I'm depressed I'll listen almost entirely to only The Postal Service. (Did that sentence make sense?)

Man, I thought I was going somewhere with this, but I guess not. My brain needs to stop fooling myself. Oh well. While I'm here, I guess I could talk about my friends.

All of my friends are weird. So am I. I met two of my best friends in kindergarten and I've continued being friends with both of them. They're not friends with each other.
I met another one of my friends in second grade, but became friends with her in sixth. Then I made a bunch of friends in seventh grade. I think around six, which is a lot for me. Then I made two this year.
All of my friends are awesome. They are awesome because they are my friends. BUT THEY ARE NOT AS AWESOME AS ME!!

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